Student prizes

The organizing committee has decided to introduce two prizes for the best student presentations:

  • Prize of the best oral presentation;
  • Prize for the best poster presentation.

The winners will receive a small gift (given at the occasion of the Tuesday evening buffet) and a certifcate (sent to the laboratory address).


The jury was composed of Pr. Raynald Gauvin (McGill University, CANADA), Dr. Colin MACRAE (CISRO, Australia) and Dr. Michel TRUDEAU (HYDROQUEBEC, CANADA). And the winenrs are:

  • Best student oral presentation: Doriane Gallot-Duval for her presentation about Characterization of lithium in innovative materials for energy related applications using laser ablation techniques

  • Best student poster prentation: Jaklič Blaž for his presentation about Structural and surface characterization of LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition


Congratulations to both of them!

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